Pfffff... Munca... Acasa... Intru pe usa, imi arunc hainele ca de obicei ,pe unde apuc, deschid laptopul ( pagina de pornire- facebook ) , intru la o anume persoana pe profil si gasesc asta... Fiori... O lacrima... Incredibil! Nu am crezut ca poate exista ceva atat de frumos! Ma scutur de toate furnicaturile de pe spate si de pe brate... Liniste un moment... Apoi au venit restul gandurilor pacatoase care aruncau cu mine de toti peretii craniului meu. Orice pacatos isi are iadul , chiar aici, pe pamant! Nu trebuie sa mori ca sa fii pedepsit... Dar nu va mai ametesc ca oricum sunt eu greu de inteles... Piesa se cheama " Ne me quitte pas" cantata de Jacques Brel. Aveti aici versurile in engleza...
Do not leave me now
We must just forget
Yes, we can forget
All that’s flown beyond
Let’s forget the time
The misunderstands
And the wasted time
To find out how
To forget these hours
Which sometimes kill
The blows of why,
A heart full of joy.
Do not leave me now
We must just forget
Yes, we can forget
All that’s flown beyond
Let’s forget the time
The misunderstands
And the wasted time
To find out how
To forget these hours
Which sometimes kill
The blows of why,
A heart full of joy.
Do not leave me now
I offer you
Pearls of rain
Coming from the lands
Where it never rains
I will cross the world
Till after my death
To cover your bosom
With gold and light
I will make a kingdom
where love will be king
Where love will be the law
Where you will be queen
Do not leave me now
Pearls of rain
Coming from the lands
Where it never rains
I will cross the world
Till after my death
To cover your bosom
With gold and light
I will make a kingdom
where love will be king
Where love will be the law
Where you will be queen
Do not leave me now
Do not leave me now,
Will invent for you
The insane words
That you’ll understand
And I will tell you
Of these lovers who
Were seen twice
With their hearts in blaze
I will say in detail
The story of this king
Dead, from having not
Encountered you.
Do not leave me now
Will invent for you
The insane words
That you’ll understand
And I will tell you
Of these lovers who
Were seen twice
With their hearts in blaze
I will say in detail
The story of this king
Dead, from having not
Encountered you.
Do not leave me now
One often recalls
Flames light anew
From an old volcano
Thought to be too old.
It appears that
The scorched fields
Can give more corn
Than the best of springs.
And when evening comes
In this blazing sky
The red and the night
Marry nevermore.
Do not leave me now
Flames light anew
From an old volcano
Thought to be too old.
It appears that
The scorched fields
Can give more corn
Than the best of springs.
And when evening comes
In this blazing sky
The red and the night
Marry nevermore.
Do not leave me now
Do not leave me now
I will cry no more
I will talk no more
Will hide somehow
Just to look at you
Dance and smile
And to hear you
Sing and then laugh
Let me be for you
The shadow of your shadow
The shadow of your hand
The shadow of your dog
Do not leave me now
... I will cry no more
I will talk no more
Will hide somehow
Just to look at you
Dance and smile
And to hear you
Sing and then laugh
Let me be for you
The shadow of your shadow
The shadow of your hand
The shadow of your dog
Do not leave me now
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